Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Brands and connections

I have been a Caps fan for ... forever. Some of my greatest childhood memories are going to those games out in Landover with my Dad. Now my husband and I go to home games and it's a whole new set of memories. When the SE Championship banner was raised Saturday night, I cried. An emotional pride and adoration for a team, an organization ans a sport that has been a huge part of my life. Now that's brand satying power. A big thank you to Ted Leonsis for leading the organization to this place. It's a beautiful thing to watch.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Follow up to Microsoft Post

Interesting that the campaign was such a failure initially. I really like the ones now: "I am PC." Why wouldn't they have just gone with that? Jerry couldn't have been cheap!


Between the crazy economic situation and political climate, it's a time of great uncertainty. You have to laugh. Makes things better.

Plus the Red Sox won last night. And hockey season statrts next week. Go CAPS!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Microsoft goes for a makeover

Saw this article today. Saw the commercial last night. I didn't get it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Being called sexist, because I question RNC VP Nominee is insane. I am a woman. I am educated. I am relatively informed on issues and politics. I just don't see how being snarky and mocking someone's grass-roots involvement is not working woth the people. More so than an executive anyday. And to read comments from my fellow Americans that say that if I as a woman don't support her, I am anti-woman? NUTS!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Too much

Too much work. Too much politics. Too much stress. Wow ... do I need to get away. Luckily I am heading out Friday for 4 days of peace & quiet. No facebook. No Twitter. No email. No laptop. No work. Phew! I need it ... adn I can't wait.

And only six weeks till hockey season ... woo-hoo!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Beautiful Illustrations

Heard from Buzz Feed (on Twitter) about these. Artist Dyna Moe has designed some beautiful, retro-style illustrations based on Mad Men. See photos here.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Great twitter article

Ian Hall had a great post -- and tweet -- on Twitter and branding. Very interesting. Not sure my comapny's brand is ready for Twitter, but I sure wish it was!

And then I stubled upon this article from Marketing Professionals on branding and twitter. I am pining for an opportunity to do this!

Love it!

I love the fact that one of my favorite shows, Mad Men, is having such a big impact on our culture (See Ad Age story). It's a brilliant, beautiful show, with real, well-written characters. Plus it's "the good old days" of advertising. What could be better?

What is a team?

All the media coverage of the Brett Favre situation has made me really try to realize what makes a team. I think he's done a huge disservice to Green Bay (the organization and the community) by simply changing his mind.

I've seen this happen in my professional life too ...changing one's mind can have much wider implications than originally thought.

So what is a team? To me a team is a group of people working toward a common goal. But what if 1 or more of the group is working against that goal? Or is creating discord? It can't be tolerated and it can't happen. It's destructive.

So good for Green Bay that he's gone. I'm glad the frenzy is over, and the folks in WI can move on. I just hope they do.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Countdown's on!

Only 8 weeks and 3 days until the Capitals' home opener!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nice Read

Great story on a "great story."


Really trying to be fair with Cruil & Knol both debuting. I really don't get cruil. Unrelated images ... zero search results. And an awful braind name ... ick! Knol is ok. I like the idea of having to take responsibility for what you post, but have seen a ton of people just reposting existing stuff. Kinda sad. I want to see what the next Twitter, Facebook or Interesting Blog like Ted's Take will be.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Lifelong learning

I have really been trying to dig into the blogosphere and the social media world this week. There is a ton to learn. I feel fortunate that my personal & professional networks offer some great experts!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Transparency - Huge in terms of displaying it as an organization and as an individual. Hidden agendas are for the birds.

Real - do what you say and say what you do. Clearly. Avoid buzzwords and current/trendy terms. And if ytou can't say it in a sentence ... start over.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Find your passion

Something interesting to think about. Having just had a lightbulb go in my head recently about my career ... I think it has to do with passion. To be happy at work (where you spend the VAST majority of your time), you MUST have passion for what you do, your brand, your function, your work product ... something.

Now I just have to settle in and develop a plan to be able to do just that!